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RUEDA DE CASINO COLLECTIONsalsa Cubana circle dancing - from Santiago de Cuba
Rueda de Casino is a lively popular Cuban dance form in which couples partner dance in a circle and perform routines that are called by a leader.
This dvd consists of two titles -
1. Rueda de Buen Ache features a group of professional dancers from Santiago de Cuba who demonstrate how they dance together at their own spirited house parties doing rueda de casino as well as trios and cuartetos de casino (one man dancing with two and three women)
2. Rueda Fresca Rueda Fresca (Fresh Wheel) features two amateur dance troupes of young people from Santiago de Cuba whose specialty is rueda de casino. These dancers are representative of a growing number of Cuban youth who are reconnecting with this dance tradition and making it their own by inventing new turns, moves, and stylings. While still popular as a fun party actively, the latest wave of rueda de casino from Cuba is designed for performance.
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